đź’€ Binary Exploitation (Pwn)
Binary Exploitation (pwn) challenges involve finding and exploiting vulnerabilities in a program, typically to gain a remote shell. Pwn challenges tend to have a higher learning curve than the other categories. A familiar understanding of Linux, C, assembly, are recommended before doing pwn challenges.
The classic pwn challenge is the Stash Smash attack, originally outlined in this forum post
Computerphile has a great video about stack smash attacks here:
Learning Resources
- Learn Assembly and C
- Learn about the stack and calling conventions
- LiveOverflow’s Binary Exploitation Playlist - This playlist is an incredible resource for learning binary exploitation, and will walk you through nearly all techniques used in entry-mid level pwn challenges
- OverTheWire - Bandit - For getting familiar with Linux commands
- OverTheWire - Narnia - For practicing basic binary exploitation
- Exploit Eductation - Phoenix - Introduces exploits of increasing difficulty
- Pico Gym - Archives challenges from past PicoCTF competitions and has great beginner binary exploitation challenges